Saturday, June 29, 2013

Theoretical Orientations to L2 Methods & Approaches

There are four general orientations among modern second-language methods and approaches:
1.  STRUCTURAL/LINGUISTIC:  Based on beliefs about the structure of language and descriptive or contrastive linguistics.  Involves isolation of grammatical and syntactic elements of L2 taught either deductively or inductively in a predetermined sequence. Often involves much meta-linguistic content or "learning about the language" in order to learn the language.
2.  COGNITIVE:  Based on theories of learning applied specifically to second language learning.  Focus is on the learning strategies that are compatible with the learners own style. L2 content is selected according to concepts and techniques that facilitate generalizations about the language, memorization and "competence" leading to "performance".
3. AFFECTIVE/INTERPERSONAL:  Focuses on the psychological and affective pre-dispositions of the learner that enhance or inhibit learning.  Emphasizes interaction among and between teacher and students and the atmosphere of the learning situation as well as students' motivation for learning.  Based on concepts adapted from counseling and social psychology.
4.  FUNCTIONAL/COMMUNICATIVE:  Based on theories of language acquisition, often referred to as the "natural" approach, and on the use of language for communication. Encompasses multiple aspects of the communicative act, with language structures selected according to their utility in achieving a communicative purpose. Instruction is concerned with the input students receive, comprehension of the "message" of language and student involvement at the students' level of competence.

The Grammar-Translation Approach

This approach was historically used in teaching Greek and Latin. The approach was generalized to teaching modern languages.
Classes are taught in the students' mother tongue, with little active use of the target language. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. Elaborate explanations of grammar are always provided. Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together; instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words. Reading of difficult texts is begun early in the course of study. Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis. Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue, and vice versa. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.

The Direct Approach

This approach was developed initially as a reaction to the grammar-translation approach in an attempt to integrate more use of the target language in instruction.
Lessons begin with a dialogue using a modern conversational style in the target language. Material is first presented orally with actions or pictures. The mother tongue is NEVER, NEVER used. There is no translation. The preferred type of exercise is a series of questions in the target language based on the dialogue or an anecdotal narrative. Questions are answered in the target language. Grammar is taught inductively--rules are generalized from the practice and experience with the target language. Verbs are used first and systematically conjugated only much later after some oral mastery of the target language. Advanced students read literature for comprehension and pleasure. Literary texts are not analyzed grammatically. The culture associated with the target language is also taught inductively. Culture is considered an important aspect of learning the language.

The Reading Approach

This approach is selected for practical and academic reasons. For specific uses of the language in graduate or scientific studies. The approach is for people who do not travel abroad for whom reading is the one usable skill in a foreign language. 
The priority in studying the target language is first, reading ability and second, current and/or historical knowledge of the country where the target language is spoken.Only the grammar necessary for reading comprehension and fluency is taught. Minimal attention is paid to pronunciation or gaining conversational skills in the target language. From the beginning, a great amount of reading is done in L2, both in and out of class. The vocabulary of the early reading passages and texts is strictly controlled for difficulty. Vocabulary is expanded as quickly as possible, since the acquisition of vocabulary is considered more important that grammatical skill.Translation reappears in this approach as a respectable classroom procedure related to comprehension of the written text.

The Audiolingual Method

This method is based on the principles of behavior psychology. It adapted many of the principles and procedures of the Direct Method, in part as a reaction to the lack of speaking skills of the Reading Approach. 
New material is presented in the form of a dialogue. Based on the principle that language learning is habit formation, the method fosters dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases and over-learning. Structures are sequenced and taught one at a time. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. Little or no grammatical explanations are provided; grammar is taught inductively. Skills are sequenced: Listening, speaking, reading and writing are developed in order.Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. Teaching points are determined by contrastive analysis between L1 and L2. There is abundant use of language laboratories, tapes and visual aids. There is an extended pre-reading period at the beginning of the course. Great importance is given to precise native-like pronunciation. Use of the mother tongue by the teacher is permitted, but discouraged among and by the students. Successful responses are reinforced; great care is taken to prevent learner errors. There is a tendency to focus on manipulation of the target language and to disregard content and meaning.

Hints for Using Audio-lingual Drills in L2 Teaching

1. The teacher must be careful to insure that all of the utterances which students will make are actually within the practiced pattern. For example, the use of the AUX verb have should not suddenly switch to have as a main verb.
2. Drills should be conducted as rapidly as possibly so as to insure automaticity and to establish a system.
3. Ignore all but gross errors of pronunciation when drilling for grammar practice.
4. Use of shortcuts to keep the pace o drills at a maximum. Use hand motions, signal cards, notes, etc. to cue response. You are a choir director.
5. Use normal English stress, intonation, and juncture patterns conscientiously.
6. Drill material should always be meaningful. If the content words are not known, teach their meanings.
7. Intersperse short periods of drill (about 10 minutes) with very brief alternative activities to avoid fatigue and boredom.
8. Introduce the drill in this way:
a. Focus (by writing on the board, for example)
b. Exemplify (by speaking model sentences)
c. Explain (if a simple grammatical explanation is needed)
d. Drill
9. Don’t stand in one place; move about the room standing next to as many different students as possible to spot check their production. Thus you will know who to give more practice to during individual drilling.
10. Use the "backward buildup" technique for long and/or difficult patterns.
--in the cafeteria tomorrow
--will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow
--Those boys will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow.
11. Arrange to present drills in the order of increasing complexity of student response. The question is: How much internal organization or decision making must the student do in order to make a response in this drill. Thus: imitation first, single-slot substitution next, then free response last.

Community Language Learning

Curran, C.A. (1976). Counseling-Learning in Second Languages. Apple River, Illinois: Apple River Press, 1976.
This methodology created by Charles Curran is not based on the usual methods by which languages are taught. Rather the approach is patterned upon counseling techniques and adapted to the peculiar anxiety and threat as well as the personal and language problems a person encounters in the learning of foreign languages. Consequently, the learner is not thought of as a student but as a client. The native instructors of the language are not considered teachers but, rather are trained in counseling skills adapted to their roles as language counselors.
The language-counseling relationship begins with the client's linguistic confusion and conflict. The aim of the language counselor's skill is first to communicate an empathy for the client's threatened inadequate state and to aid him linguistically. Then slowly the teacher-counselor strives to enable him to arrive at his own increasingly independent language adequacy. This process is furthered by the language counselor's ability to establish a warm, understanding, and accepting relationship, thus becoming an "other-language self" for the client. The process involves five stages of adaptation:
The client is completely dependent on the language counselor.
1. First, he expresses only to the counselor and in English what he wishes to say to the group. Each group member overhears this English exchange but no other members of the group are involved in the interaction.
2. The counselor then reflects these ideas back to the client in the foreign language in a warm, accepting tone, in simple language in phrases of five or six words.
3. The client turns to the group and presents his ideas in the foreign language. He has the counselor's aid if he mispronounces or hesitates on a word or phrase. This is the client's maximum security stage.
1. Same as above.
2. The client turns and begins to speak the foreign language directly to the group.
3. The counselor aids only as the client hesitates or turns for help. These small independent steps are signs of positive confidence and hope.
1. The client speaks directly to the group in the foreign language. This presumes that the group has now acquired the ability to understand his simple phrases.
2. Same as 3 above. This presumes the client's greater confidence, independence, and proportionate insight into the relationship of phrases, grammar, and ideas. Translation is given only when a group member desires it.
1. The client is now speaking freely and complexly in the foreign language. Presumes group's understanding.
2. The counselor directly intervenes in grammatical error, mispronunciation, or where aid in complex expression is needed. The client is sufficiently secure to take correction.
1. Same as stage 4.
2. The counselor intervenes not only to offer correction but to add idioms and more elegant constructions.
3. At this stage the client can become counselor to the group in stages 1, 2, and 3.

The Silent Way

Gattegno, C. (1972).Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way. New York City: Educational Solutions.


This method created by Caleb Gattegno begins by using a set of colored rods and verbal commands in order to achieve the following:
To avoid the use of the vernacular. To create simple linguistic situations that remain under the complete control of the teacher To pass on to the learners the responsibility for the utterances of the descriptions of the objects shown or the actions performed. To let the teacher concentrate on what the students say and how they are saying it, drawing their attention to the differences in pronunciation and the flow of words. To generate a serious game-like situation in which the rules are implicitly agreed upon by giving meaning to the gestures of the teacher and his mime. To permit almost from the start a switch from the lone voice of the teacher using the foreign language to a number of voices using it. This introduces components of pitch, timbre and intensity that will constantly reduce the impact of one voice and hence reduce imitation and encourage personal production of one's own brand of the sounds.
To provide the support of perception and action to the intellectual guess of what the noises mean, thus bring in the arsenal of the usual criteria of experience already developed and automatic in one's use of the mother tongue. To provide a duration of spontaneous speech upon which the teacher and the students can work to obtain a similarity of melody to the one heard, thus providing melodic integrative schemata from the start.


The complete set of materials utilized as the language learning progresses include:
A set of colored wooden rods A set of wall charts containing words of a "functional" vocabulary and some additional ones; a pointer for use with the charts in Visual Dictation A color coded phonic chart(s) Tapes or discs, as required; films Drawings and pictures, and a set of accompanying worksheets Transparencies, three texts, a Book of Stories, worksheets.

The Communicative Approach

What is communicative competence?
  • Communicative competence is the progressive acquisition of the ability to use a language to achieve one's communicative purpose.
  • Communicative competence involves the negotiation of meaning between meaning between two or more persons sharing the same symbolic system.
  • Communicative competence applies to both spoken and written language.
  • Communicative competence is context specific based on the situation, the role of the participants and the appropriate choices of register and style.  For example:  The variation of language used by persons in different jobs or professions can be either formal or informal.  The use of jargon or slang may or may not be appropriate.
  • Communicative competence represents a shift in focus from the grammatical to the communicative properties of the language; i.e. the functions of language and the process of discourse.
  • Communicative competence requires the mastery of the production and comprehension of communicative acts or speech acts that are relevant to the needs of the L2 learner.
Characteristics of the Communicative Classroom  
  • The classroom is devoted primarily to activities that foster acquisition of L2.  Learning activities involving practice and drill are assigned as homework. 
  • The instructor does not correct speech errors directly.
  • Students are allowed to respond in the target language, their native language, or a mixture of the two.
  • The focus of all learning and speaking activities is on the interchange of a message that the acquirer understands and wishes to transmit, i.e. meaningful communication.
  • The students receive comprehensible input in a low-anxiety environment and are personally involved in class activities. Comprehensible input has the following major components:
            a. a context
            b. gestures and other body language cues
            c. a message to be comprehended
            d. a knowledge of the meaning of key lexical items in the utterance
Stages of language acquisition in the communicative approach
1. Comprehension or pre-production
        a. Total physical response
        b. Answer with names--objects, students, pictures
2. Early speech production
        a. Yes-no questions
        b. Either-or questions
        c. Single/two-word answers
        d. Open-ended questions
        e. Open dialogs
        f. Interviews
3. Speech emerges
        a. Games and recreational activities
        b. Content activities
        c. Humanistic-affective activities
        d. Information-problem-solving activities

5 New Fun Ways to Teach Grammar to ESL Students

5 New Fun Ways to Teach Grammar to ESL Students

Mention the word “grammar” and students will cringe. In fact, most teachers will cringe, too.

Of course, teachers know correct grammar rules, but it's one thing to know them, and another thing to effectively teach them, and transmit them so that students not only understand the rules, but also apply them correctly.
In my experience, grammar shouldn’t be taught “by the book”. At least not in teaching English as a second language. That’s not what students are there for. They don't want to know all of these rules; they’re not interested in them. They want to learn English. They want to speak, read, and write in English. So, how do we as ESL teachers teach them essential grammar and give them what we need, rather than boring them to death with “the rules”. It’s actually quite simple: by teaching grammar in context. And in fun ways.
Let’s move on to some examples, and you'll see what I mean.

How to teach the ever-elusive past perfect tense

Yes, it’s hard to find an ESL student who spontaneously uses the past perfect tense. In fact, there are some “native” English speakers who don’t use it either (along with other forms of “correct” English). But it must be taught, never overlooked, or your students will be lacking something that they need to take their English fluency to the next level. So, how can we teach the past perfect tense so that it may be fully grasped by our students? Here are the steps:
  • Go to where you may generate your personalized timeline and see when major historical events took place throughout your life. For example, if you were born in 1971, you’ll see that the Internet was invented when you were 2.
  • Show students your timeline (or anyone else’s) and set up the past perfect like this: “Sam, the Vietnam War ended in 1975. I was born in 1971. You were born in 1995. So, when you were born, the Vietnam War had ended 20 years earlier. When I was born it hadn’t ended yet.
  • Give as many examples as you like, go over briefly how the past perfect tense is formed (had plus past participle) and make sure they understand you’re talking about two events that took place in the past, but one before the other; then, have students come up with examples of their own using the timeline.
  • Once they are comfortable using the past perfect in affirmative sentences, move on to examples with questions; then have them ask each other questions: “Laura, when you started primary school, had terrorists attacked the World Trade Center?
Save the timeline because it will come in handy to practice the past perfect in passive voice. Naturally, timelines are great for many tenses, like the simple past or the passive voice.


Nothing shakes them up better than getting them out of their seats. When you see your students daydreaming, not paying attention, or simply bored, tell them to get up and form a circle. Now, this simple exercise works great to teach numerous grammar points, but here’s an example:
Say you want your students to practice the simple past of regular or irregular verbs. Grab a small ball or bean bag and say a verb out loud; toss the ball to a student who will have to say its past form. He or she tosses the ball back to you and you choose another student. Whenever a student makes a mistake, he or she has to leave the circle. The last student left standing gets a reward sticker or other prize. You can say a sentence in affirmative, and they have to supply a question, or vice versa; this activity can be adapted to any grammar point.

Celebrity Profiles

An awesome way to teach and practice any verb tense is through biographies. Try this activity to contrast the simple past and present perfect tenses. Find out which celebrities or sports stars your students admire. Then find a short biography or write one yourself summarizing a celebrity's main achievements. Read the bio with your students and make sure they understand the differences. Point out examples that clearly illustrate this: “He starred in his first hit film in 1985. But he has worked in 20 hit films throughout his career.”

Celebrity Photos

Another way in which you can use your students’ interest in certain celebrities. Cut out celebrity pics from entertainment magazines (in fact, I recommend stocking up on a big pile of photos to use in a variety of activities). Use these pictures to teach comparatives and superlatives: “Katie Holmes is taller than Tom Cruise.”; “Shakira is more talented than Ricky Martin.”; and it works great with comparative adverbs: “Shakira dances better than Ricky, too.

A or an?

This activity works great with beginners, including small children. Cut up a list of several words that either take “a” or “an” and mix them up. For very young learners, you may use pictures instead of words. Then divide students into pairs of groups, and have them put the words in two piles, depending on the article. Once they have their piles ready, ask them if they can figure out the rule by themselves.
By far the best ways to teach any type of grammar is through the use of either realia or real life settings and contexts. Why would a student be motivated to learn the conditional tenses if he has no idea why he’s learning them, in other words, he doesn't understand when and where he'll have use for them? When teachers use real life settings and objects students will know the grammar structures they learn will be useful for them.

So, take the cringing out of grammar lessons, and put some fun into them. You’ll see that your students learn much faster, too.

Enjoy Learning English

If you have already been enjoying your English classes you know how rewarding it could be to have a good time while learning an English language. If you have not then it is high time you started doing so!

If you lack motivation then read about some tips how to motivate yourself as an English language learner or simply learn English with Kaplan and your motivation will be guaranteed.
But if you just feel uncomfortable in some situations during your classes or you regard learning English as an obligation rather than an enjoyable and fulfilling activity read forward and you might find useful advice and resources that enables you to acquire this beautiful language with a lot of enjoyment and fun. There are five simple pieces of advice to follow:
1. Read
Read as much as you can in English. No matter what it is, from cartoons to British literature anything counts.
Naturally if you wish to develop I would recommend you to choose something that provides you a challenge. So renew your library pass, subscribe to your favorite English magazine or go online!
2. Immerse
Understanding British or American culture can be a part of language learning. There are a lot of expressions or situations that can be understood and remembered better if you know a couple of customs, behavioral patterns, books or poems.
It is always fascinating to realize that you understand a short story, a text or even longer pieces of art in English.
3. Share 
Where and how, you might ask. Well there are many ways to do this. You can start your own blog (learn more how to set up your blog) in English about your hobby, travel experiences or anything that interests you.
If you don’t feel like writing, read others’ blogs or articles and feel free to comment if you have a question! You can also try to find an online community that has the same interest as you where you can share your own ideas, thoughts and beliefs.
4. Dare
This usually seems to be the most difficult part, but you have to conquer yourself! If you find yourself in a situation where you have the chance to use English grab it!
You must overcome your fears that you might speak incorrectly, and you can also ask your partner to correct you. So whenever you travel or meet foreigners don’t forget to speak as much as you can!
5. Relax
Never forget the power or relaxation! You don’t always have to force yourself to study if you are tired. You can also listen to some music, watch a movie or listen to an audio book (in English of course).
Sources :

How to Effectively Teach English Writing Skills

Writing is one of those skills that deeply requires students to be motivated.

If they're not involved in the writing task, in other words, if they don't have a reason to write, the task you set forth won’t be an effective learning experience.
What possible reasons could they have?

  • Adult ESL students most likely need to write letters, email, or faxes in English and in a business context.
  • Teens may also be interested in contacting peers in English-speaking countries on the Internet.
  • But what about children? They probably won’t have a general, long-term reason to learn to write, but they can relate to a particular task, especially if it’s fun, or if they’ll be rewarded with a writing sticker.
Moreover, as a teacher, you also have a reason to teach English writing; there is a set of skills you wish your students to develop, and in case you haven’t yet, your first step, above all else, is to define these skills. Then, you decide which teaching strategies, exercises, or activities will help them develop these skills. 
Finally, you choose a specific topic to ensure that students will participate with enthusiasm.

Choosing the skills you’ll focus on

Ask yourself these questions:
  • What level are my students?
  • What is their average age?
  • Why are they taking this course?
  • Do they need writing skills for specific reasons? (business correspondence, college application letters, etc…)
  • What do you expect them to produce? (a short email for beginners; an essay for an international exam)
Once you’re clear on the skills your students need to develop, move on to the next step.

Choosing your activities or writing exercises

There is a wide variety of writing tasks you may assign your students to help them hone their writing skills, but careful consideration of the questions you answered above should help you narrow down your options. Here are some examples:
- Business email writing: This is a skill that more and more ESL students require these days as they apply for jobs in international or multinational companies, or move to English-speaking countries. There are several sub-skills that go into effective email communication, and you should cover as many as possible in your ESL classes. 
These include: requesting information, replying to emails, responding to conflicts/problems/issues, formal vs. informal email, and even email writing etiquette or netiquette. 
You may cover as many points as you wish or have time to cover, but make sure you cover a wide range so your students are better prepared. 
To introduce the task, provide them with a sample email to read. Then, for practice, set up a situation or context: “Write a brief email to all team members to remind them of tomorrow’s meeting.” Correct any mistakes in grammar, as well as tone and style.
- Essays/letters/stories for international examinations Some students may be preparing to sit for international exams, like the First Certificate in English (Cambridge ESOL) or the TOEFL, which require students to write essays that meet specific requirements. Let’s take the FCE writing test as an example:
- Provide students with plenty of samples of the different types of written tasks they may be required to complete. For Part 1 of the test there is a compulsory task; they are required to write an informal or formal letter of 160 words for a specific audience and purpose. For Part 2 students are required to choose one of out six tasks: essay, report, article, review, letter or story of up to 180 words.
- Students must practice for each of these possibilities; the more they practice the better. In-class writing is ok, but you may also ask them to do some writing for homework.
- Descriptions A very simple writing task is to supply something that students may describe. This is adaptable to any level and age group. From a written description of a photo or a recent summer vacation spot, you may requests students to make them as detailed as you wish, from 50 to 200 words.
- Writing prompts Writing prompts are tremendously useful, great triggers for a writing task. Here are some examples of some great writing prompts:
- Who is your favorite actor/actress and why? 
- What are the three items you’d take to a deserted island and why?
- Write about one of your favorite movies and why you liked it so much.
- What is the best gift you’ve ever gotten?
Journal writing Ask students to bring a blank notebook that will from then on be referred to as their “Journal”. Assign topics on a weekly basis, or every two weeks, whichever you prefer and depending on their level. You may use the writing prompts from above, or suggest any other topic: their thoughts on a recent current event, what they did over the winter holidays, what items are on their Christmas wish list, etc… Journal writing is a great way to get students to write on a regular basis, plus keep track of their progress as far as writing skills are concerned.

Choosing your topics

Even if you choose an engaging writing activity, it should be accompanied by a topic, or context, that will motivate your students to write. In some cases your choices should be obvious; in a business English course, students will handle all types of business situations. Teens relate to pop stars, sportsfashion, TV, and movies. Though limited in the length of their writing, little ones may write about the things that are a part of their daily lives, like their families, friends, and school.

You can have them write about anything that interests them, just make sure they write, and make sure it’s a regular activity.

Some of us make the mistake of focusing only on the writing of answers in activities or exercises, and once in a blue moon have them write something longer. Whether it is creative writing, business writing, or guided writing, teach them by example first, and then let them have free reign in the way they express themselves in writing.

Importance Of Studying English

As we know, English is the most widespread spoken language in the world. The importance of English is not just in how many people speak it but in what it is used for.
  1. English is the major language of news and communication of information in the world.
  2. It is the major language of International business, science, professions, diplomacy and government even in some countries where it is a minority language.
  3. It is the language of maritime communication and international air traffic control, and it is used even for internal air traffic control in countries where it is not a native language.
  4. English for travel and entertainment like American popular culture, primarily movies and music, carries the English language throughout the world.
  5. Moreover, it is the medium of communication for people. Study at home program has been very useful and welcomed by people internationally because of the benefits that it offers.

Why Is English Class Important?

Why Is English Class Important? thumbnail
English class teaches you how to read, write and think better.
Whether you are taking an English class in middle school, high school college or graduate school, you may wonder why English matters, particularly if you plan to study or work in a field in which you think English is irrelevant. Possibly the most important reason to take an English class is its relevance to virtually all fields and careers. Wherever speaking, writing or critical thinking is required, English class is useful.
    Critical Thinking
    • Analyzing literature in English class challenges you to understand characters' motivations, cultural contexts, and the causes and effects of various actions in stories' plot lines. Learning to analyze literature effectively not only teaches you how to better enjoy books, music and film, but also how to better understand the causes and effects taking place in your family, neighborhood and the world around you. English teaches you to understand your world with nuance and conviction.

    Close Reading

    • When teachers ask you to closely analyze a poem or section from a story in English class, the assignment usually asks you to read slowly and to look for metaphors, hear the sounds of the words and figure out as many possible meanings for the text as you can. Close reading teaches you to read between the lines, which is important for everyday tasks such as reading instructions, reading contracts, deciding which hotel to stay in or choosing a mortgage.


    • Most people learn to write well in English class. Learning to express yourself concisely, accurately and convincingly is not simply a box to check on an assessment test or a grading rubric; if you hope to write emails that earn respect, to enter any career in which communication is essential or simply to speak with authority, learning to write well is important.


    • Students learn about their own and other cultures not only through reading culturally relevant literature in English class, but also through discussion and writing exercises that draw on students' biases, feelings and previous knowledge about human cultures to help students rethink their assumptions. English class is important for helping you appreciate diversity, develop sensitivity and, perhaps most importantly, contribute to the future of culture through your writing and critical thinking.

    Vocabulary and Grammar

    • Because English emphasizes reading and writing, your vocabulary and grasp of English grammar will improve if you take English class seriously. The more words you have at your fingertips, and the more comfortable you are using them accurately in sentences, the easier it will be for you to communicate with others. If you speak or hope to speak other languages, studying English vocabulary and grammar will often make learning other languages easier.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The solution for educational problem in Indonesia

1.Charge government’s promise for increase education budget become 20%
Every candidate of president usually promises if he/she becomes president, he/she will increase the education budget up to 20%. But, until now that promise still promise only. Whereas, 20% of education budget is message in 1945 Indonesian Constitution. With more fund, the government can improve the infrastructure and increase subsidy for university.

2.Improve the infrastructure & education facilities
He quality of infrastructure in our country become one of serious problem. Student can learn well if there is good infrastructure & facility. But, we shouldn’t judge this problem as main problem. The infrastructure & facility are our problems too.

3.Increase subsidy for university by different distribution
This solution appears if the education budget realized. In this time, by the government initiative most of state university get subsidy. The subsidy is different from each university. For the example, recently the government decreases the subsidy for Gadjah Mada University, and shifts it to another university, especially for outside of Java. That thing have destination to flatten subsidy because in the past year, the subsidy to university in Java is higher than outside. This is not fair. So, we want government to be more seriously about this problem.

4.Improve the management of each university
Good management in the university is very important, because management have ability to control and decide university’s future. Management control almost the thing that happened in the university, include finance. We think government need to take care and pay attention about management of each university, so we can decrease opportunity to do corruption.

5.Increase lecturer’s prosperity
Next, increase lecturer’s prosperity is one of solution that we will give to our government. We know that the lecture/teacher is our hero. Why hero? Because they always give their knowledge to us. They make us clever. They teach us everyday, every time, everywhere. So, why we don’t take care to lecturer’s prosperity.

6.Curriculum Planning
Education curriculum in Indonesia often changes. Government still looks for the best curriculum for our country. But, the curriculum’s changing is too often. Some the time he/se of the student feels difficult to adapt with new curriculum in a short time. Maybe in the time he/she can adapt with new curriculum, the curriculum change again. The curriculum’s changing is to find out a match system to our country. But, we think the government should plan curriculum well and try it to some school/university before publish it. So, the changing of curriculum that very often will not happen again.

7.Lecture Training
In this modern era, lecture must have high skill. So, in our opinion, the lecture and teacher should join lecture training to improve their skill and ability.

8.Adapted education system from an other country
We can also try to adapt foreign education system. We can choose which can make our education system better. But, we have to do it step by step, little by little.

Source :